Eshkobilov Napas Beknazarovich
Head of Department | Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor

Laser physics, Quantum mechanics, Theoretical physics 3rd year
2006 Badge “15 years of independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan”
2011 Badge “20 years of independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan”
2016 Badge “25 years of independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan”
2017 Badge “25 years of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan”
1971-1976 - Student at Samarkand State University
1976-1982 - Research intern, graduate student at the Institute of Spectroscopy of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1982-1989 - Senior Researcher at Samarkand State University
1989-1994 - Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Physics, Samarkand State University
1994-2006 - Associate Professor, Department of Quantum Electronics, Samarkand State University
2006-2011 - Dean of the Faculty of Physics, Samarkand State University
2011-2014 - Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of Samarkand State University
2014-2015 - Acting Rector of Samarkand State University
2015-2017 - Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of Samarkand State University
2017 - present - Head of the Department of Theoretical Physics and Quantum Electronics, Institute of Engineering Physics, Samarkand State University named after Sharof Rashidov
Study of Rydberg and autoionization states of atoms and molecules using laser photoionization spectroscopy methods
"1. Eshkabilov, N.B., Kurbaniyazov, A.S. Relative Bond Strengths of the f-, s-, and d-Electrons of Rare Earth Elements. Russian Physics Journal, 2023, 65(8), pp.1262–1265.
2. Eshkabilov, N.B., Kurbaniyazov, A.S., Haidarov, S.R. Laser Photoionization Spectroscopy of Rhydberg and Autoionizing States of Rare-Earth Element Atoms. Russian Physics Journal, 2022, 64(10), pp.1872–1879."