Head of Laboratory
Toshpulatov Doston Tolmasovich
- Phone: +99897 928 26 31
- Email:
The scientific laboratory “Gas Analysis” was created in 2021 on the initiative of the rector of Samarkand State University Rustam Khalmuradov. This laboratory conducts research related to the analysis of substances. The results of these studies are regularly published in various international and national scientific journals in the form of articles and abstracts.
In particular, the scientific team of the Department of Analytical Chemistry of Samarkand State University is engaged in gas analysis, monitoring of environmental objects, sol-gel synthesis of gas-sensitive materials for chemical sensors and synthesis of fire-retardant compounds, chromatographic methods of analysis, petrochemical and petrochemical synthesis, analysis of natural and synthetic materials, work over methods of separation and concentration. The scientific team of the Faculty of Polymer Chemistry and Chemical Technology conducts effective research in areas such as the creation of catalysts for the reaction of methane oxycondensation based on local raw materials.
In addition, in this laboratory, analyzes are carried out on the basis of agreements with manufacturing enterprises, farms, and research centers. In the future, it is planned to further expand the laboratory and continue the supply of modern equipment.
Xromatek-Kristall 9000 Areas of use: Chemistry; Pharmaceutical and medical treatment; Food industry; Construction; Cosmetics; Chemistry and catalysts; In mechanical engineering, automotive and aviation industries; Recycling of environmental and industrial waste. |
ВЕТ sorbtometr Sorbi-M Areas of use: Chemistry; Chemistry and catalysts; Polymer industry; Ferrous metallurgy; Non-ferrous metallurgy; Pharmaceuticals; Food industry. |
“TGA-105 thermo gravimetrik analyzer” Areas of use: Chemistry; Polymer industry; Chemistry and catalysts; Ceramics; Ferrous metallurgy; Non-ferrous metallurgy; Pharmaceuticals; Development of building materials. |
XROMOC ГХ-1000 Areas of use: Chemistry; Pharmaceutical and medical treatment; Food industry; Construction; Cosmetics; Chemistry and catalysts; In mechanical engineering, automotive and aviation industries; Ecology and recycling of industrial waste. |
Photo gallery of laboratory staff
PUBLISHED SCIENTIFIC WORKS (Scopus and Web of Science, 2022-2023)
- Doston Toshpulatov, Khurshid Tashpulatov, Abdullo Nasimov, Sherzodbek Mirzaev, Marhabo Isakulova. DEVELOPMENT OF BROMOCRESOL PURPLE IMMOBILIZED OPTICAL SENSOR FOR THE DETERMINATION OF DISSOLVED AMMONIA. 2023. Egyptian Journal of Chemistry.
- Toshpulatov D. T., Mirzaev Sh.E., Nasimov A. M., Yakubov B. A., Samiev A. A., Tashpulatov Kh. Sh. Synthesis of [CO(BPY)(SCN)4]2+ complex and its photochemical properties in the sol-gel matrix. Austrian Journal of Technical and Natural Sciences Scientific journal № 3 – 4 2022 (March– April) DOI:
- E.Abduraxmanov, Z.Abduraxmanova, I.E.Abduraxmanov, Y.Erdanov. Development of selective semiconductor sensors of hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, and methane using nanomaterials obtained by the sol-gel process. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2388(1),012155 DOI: 10.31788/RJC.2022.1548017
- Eshkabilova, M. , Abdurakhmanov, I.E. , Muradova, Z. Development of selective gas sensors using nanomaterials obtained by sol-gel process. (2022) Journal of Physics: Conference Series
- Abdurakhmanov, E. , Eshkabilova, M.E. , Muminova, N.I. Template Synthesis of Nanomaterials based on Titanium and Cadmium Oxides by the Sol-Gel Method, Study of their Possibility of Application As A Carbon Monoxide Sensor (II). Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results 13, с. 1343-1350
- Musulmonov, N.X., Fayzullaev, N.I. Textural Characteristics of Zinc Acetate Catalyst.2022. AIP Conference Proceedings 2432,050015
- Xolmirzayeva, H.N., Fayzullayev, N.I. Obtaining Nanocarbon from Local Raw Materials and Studying Its Textural and Sorption Properties. 2022. International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 70(2), с. 163-171