Ibodov Rustam Mustafoevich
Professor | Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor

Electrodynamics, Theory of quantized fields, Computer modeling of physical processes, Theory of gravity
Memorial sign “30 years of independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan”.
1962-1964 - Collective farm worker, Dekhkanabad district, Kashkadarya region
1964-1966 - Student at Samarkand State University
1966-1970 - Student of Azerbaijan State University
1970-1983 - Postgraduate student, teacher, senior lecturer, associate professor, senior researcher at the Department of Theoretical Physics of Samarkand State University
1983-1983 - Associate Professor, Department of Nuclear Physics, Samarkand State University
1983-1987 - Associate Professor, Department of Theoretical Physics, Samarkand State University
1987-1988 - Senior Researcher, Department of Theoretical Physics, Samarkand State University
1988-1993 - Head of the Department of Nuclear Physics, Samarkand State University
1993-1994 - Associate Professor, Department of Nuclear Physics, Samarkand State University
1994-1997 - Head of the Department of Theoretical Physics, Samarkand State University
1997-2005 - Head of the Department of Theoretical Physics and Informatics, Samarkand State University
2005-2010 - Professor of the Department of Quantum Electronics and Theoretical Physics, Samarkand State University
2010-2012 - Head of the Department of Atomic and Nuclear Physics, Samarkand State University
2012-2014 - Acting Head of the Department of Atomic and Nuclear Physics, Samarkand State University
2014-2015 - Professor of the Department of Theoretical Physics and Quantum Electronics, Samarkand State University
2015-2017 - Professor of the Department of Theoretical Physics of Samarkand State University
2017 - to present - Sharof Rashidov nomidagi Samarqand davlat universiteti Muhandislik fizikasi instituti Nazariy fizika va kvant elektronika kafedrasi professoriProfessor of the Department of Theoretical Physics and Quantum Electronics of the Institute of Engineering Physics of Samarkand State University named after Sharof Rashidov
Discovering and modeling new solutions to mysterious objects that exist in the Universe, including black holes and Mosquito nests, using Einstein's tensor equation written for gravity. Obtaining solutions to equations for black holes outside Horndesky scalar theories. Modeling this black hole using computer programs, constructing equations of motion and finding solutions.
"1. Bronnikov, K.A., Bolokhov, S.V., Skvortsova, M.V., Badalov, K., Ibadov, R. On the Stability of Spherically Symmetric Space-Times in Scalar-Tensor Gravity. Gravitation and Cosmology, 2023, 29(4), pp. 374–386
2. Bronnikov, K.A., Badalov, K., Ibadov, R. Arbitrary Static, Spherically Symmetric Space-Times as Solutions of Scalar-Tensor Gravity. Gravitation and Cosmology, 2023, 29(1), pp. 43–49
3. Ibadov, R., Kleihaus, B., Kunz, J., Murodov, S. Wormhole solutions with NUT charge in higher curvature theories. Arabian Journal of Mathematics, 2022, 11(1), pp. 31–41
4. Ibadov, R., Kleihaus, B., Kunz, J., Murodov, S. Scalarized nutty wormholes. Symmetry, 2021, 13(1), pp. 1–17, 89"