Uroqov Sirojiddin Khudoyberdiyovich

More than 10 articles, index - 1
Uroqov Sirojiddin Khudoyberdiyovich
Professor of Plant Physiology and Microbiology
Research field:
Marjumak, Repeated crops, Plant physiology, Increasing yield
Main results of scientific research:
In the irrigated lands of the Zarafshan Valley, it has been proven that cultivating the fast-growing Kazan and Krupinka varieties of marjoram as a repeated crop is effective. Based on the physiological indicators of marjoram varieties cultivated as repeated crops, the optimal dosages of mineral fertilizers required for high yield formation have been determined. The storage periods of marjoram seeds have been identified based on their physiological characteristics, and practical recommendations for seed use have been developed. Methods for increasing yield and quality of marjoram varieties suitable for repeated cropping have been developed, including treatments before sowing and during the plant growth period. Recommendations developed based on the research results have been implemented in farms, leading to an increase in the yield of marjoram varieties grown as repeated crops in the country.
Main scientific publications
Urokov S. and others. Grain quality indicators and their phenotypic variability of ancient varieties of Triticum aestivum in the mountains of Uzbekistan // Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity. Vol. 24 No. 11 (2023). pp. 5995-6001.
Urokov S. and others. Effect of Microelements (B, Zn) on Cotton Plant’s Productivity, Its Leaf Area, and Plant Height // American Journal of Plant Sciences, 2023, 14, pp. 955-967.
Urokov S. and others. The effect of microelements on cotton leaf area, dry mass production, and yield // Food Safety: National and Global Issues. 2023, Issue 2. pp. 89-98.
Urokov S. and others. Drought resistance of triticale varieties grown in the conditions of Samarkand region // Information Bulletin of the Khorezm Mamun Academy: Scientific Journal. No. 3/1 (99), 2023. pp. 126-131.
Urokov S. and others. Germinability and productivity indicators of one-year rye (Secale cereale) seeds // Food Safety: National and Global Factors International Scientific-Practical Conference Proceedings. Samarkand, October 15-16, 2021. pp. 98-99.