Sabirov Leonard Mukhammedzhanovich
Professor | Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor

Quantum electronics, Laser acousto-optical spectroscopy, Nonlinear effects in the interaction of lasers with substances, Lasers and laser technologies
State Beruni Prize (1983)
1958-1963 - Student at Samarkand State University
1963-1970 - Postgraduate intern at the Institute of Physics of the Moscow Academy of Sciences
1970-1990 - Assistant, Associate Professor, Department of Optics, Samarkand State University
1990-1992 - Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of Samarkand State University
1992-2005 - Head of the Department of Quantum Electronics and Radiophysics, Samarkand State University
2005-2011 - Head of the Department of Quantum Electronics and Theoretical Physics, Samarkand State University, Professor
2011-2015 - Samarkand State University, professor of quantum electronics and theoretical physics
2017-2022 - Professor of the Department of Theoretical Physics and Quantum Electronics, Samarkand State University
2023 - Professor of the Department of Theoretical Physics and Quantum Electronics, Institute of Engineering Physics, Samarkand State University named after Sharof Rashidov
Dynamics of order parameter fluctuations in liquids on a nanoscale spatial and temporal scale and their manifestation in acoustic spectra and scattering spectra of laser radiation
"1. Bunkin, N., Sabirov, L., Semenov, D., Ismailov, F., Khasanov, M. Nanoscale Structural Phase Transitions in Aqueous Solutions of Organic Molecules. Condensed Matter, 2023, 8(3), 64
2. Bunkin, N.F., Sabirov, L.M., Semenov, D.I. Concentration Dependence of Adiabatic Compressibility of Aqueous 4-Methylpyridine Solutions at the Hypersonic Frequency
Physics of Wave Phenomena, 2023, 31(2), pp. 98–104
3. Sabirov, L.M., Semenov, D.I., Ismailov, F.R., Karshiboev, S.E., Khasanov, M.A. On the Excessive Absorption of High-Frequency Sound near a Solution Singular Point. Physics of Wave Phenomena, 2022, 30(5), pp. 321–324
4. Bunkin, N.F., Kozlov, V.A., Kiryanova, M.S., ... Primenko, A.E., Vu, M.T. Fourier IR Spectroscopy Study of the Effects of Unsteadiness on the Process of Swelling of Polymeric Membranes. Optics and Spectroscopy, 2021, 129(4), pp. 460–470
5. Sabirov, L.M., Ismailov, F.R., Karshibaev, S.E., Kadirov, S.A. Isothermal compressibility near the solution’s peculiar point. Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 2021, 66(5), pp. 394–398
6. Sabirov, L.M., Ismailov, F.R., Kadirov, S.A., Karshiboev, S.E. Frequency Behavior of Hypersound in Aqueous Solutions of Nonelectrolytes. Physics of Wave Phenomena, 2021, 29(1), pp. 60–64
7. Sabirov, L.M., Ismailov, F.R., Kadirov, S.A., Karshibaev, S.E. Temperature and Concentration Dependences of the Landau–Placzek Ratio in Aqueous Solutions of γ-Picoline. Optics and Spectroscopy, 2021, 129(1), pp. 51–55"