Organization of implementation of laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Decrees and Orders of the President, resolutions of the Oliy Majlis and the Cabinet of Ministers in the field of education and training in Samarkand State University.
Create an atmosphere of deep learning through analysis of academic and research data of the university.
To proactively work on pedagogical problems with all deans, departments and pedagogical staff.
Execution of orders of the rector and other higher authorities in the University.
Organize meetings with IQAC members for international ranking and other related purposes.
Explore and implement new tools and techniques in education and research which are being used across the developed countries.
To analyze and monitor overall academic and research performance across the university.
To arrange faculty development programs for orientation of researchers and academicians at regular intervals.
To attract foreign researchers and academicians in Samarkand State University for conducting excellent research and teaching.
To proactively work on curriculum and syllabus with departments/ centers/ institutes for making it international recognized and as per industry requirement.