Workshops and Tutorials

Learning Development Advisors

You can make an appointment with a Learning Development Advisor to discuss academic skills related topics, such as:

  • Developing academic writing
  • Improving critical thinking
  • Understanding referencing and plagiarism
  • Using effective revision and exam strategies
  • Working on presentations

Our Advisors are all qualified teachers who have worked in colleges and universities for several years. To get the most out of your appointment, please read the following guidelines:

To get the most from a tutorial, it's important to make the necessary preparations so that your tutor can advise and assist to the best of their ability. Here are some things you should consider before you arrive at your appointment:

  • Think about what you want to achieve from the tutorial
  • Have a clear target - be realistic about what you can achieve in 30 minutes
  • Where possible bring along an example of your work - it is easier to work from something concrete
  • Check our workshop programme and online learning resources to see what other support is available from the Centre
  • Turn up on time

Cancel your appointment if you cannot attend - so that we can offer the appointment to someone else. Our aim to help you develop your academic skills. In doing this you will become a more confident and independent learner. So, please remember:

We are not a proofreading service. We can, however, help you improve your proofreading skills, so that you can correct your assignments. We may not be subject specialists in your area of study- so we cannot comment on the content of your assignments. We do not 'mark' work or suggest what mark you may get - we leave that to your course tutors.

LDC Workshops

Each term we run a programme of workshops delivered by experienced study skills tutors and student mentors. These sessions focus on different academic skills areas, including:

  • Reading and note-taking strategies
  • Planning and writing essays, reports and dissertations
  • Presentation skills
  • Revision tips and preparing for exams

Workshop sessions involve a combination of group discussions, tutor presentations and small-group activities - these are FREE and available to all Samdu students. Visit LDC for more queries.