International competition of scientific articles of students of the Center for People's Diplomacy of Shanhai Cooperation Organization

The Center for People's Diplomacy of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization announces an international competition of scientific articles among students of universities of SCO member countries on the topic: "The role and possibilities of people's diplomacy in strengthening mutual trust and good neighborliness between the SCO member states."
The languages for writing articles are Uzbek (Latin or Cyrillic), Russian, Chinese and English.
Young people who wish to take part in the competition can submit an article to the SCO Public Diplomacy Center by e-mail: until April 29, 2022.
The best works will be selected by the jury and awarded with valuable prizes and diplomas.
Information about the format and requirements for writing articles for the competition is available on the center's website:
For more information, please contact the International Cooperation Department of the University: Tel: +998 66 240-28-53,