One-time meeting of the Academic Council, formed on the basis of the Academic Council under number DSc.03/30.12.2021.Gr.02.07

Defense of the doctoral dissertation (PhD) by Fozilov Azamat Sobirovich on the topic “Assessment of the impact of the Almalyk mining and metallurgical plant on the groundwater resources of the Akhangaran basin” presented for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty 11.00.05 – Environmental protection and rational use of natural resources will take place December 15, 2023 at 1400 at the meeting of the Scientific Council DSc.03/30.12.2021.Gr.02.07 at Samarkand State University.
Address: 140104, Samarkand, University Boulevard, building 15, Faculty of Geography and Ecology of Samarkand State University. 24-audience.
Tel.: (95) 410-20-10, fax: (0366) 239-19-36