Scientific Council under number DSc.03/30.12.2021.Gr.02.07

Defense of the doctor of Philosophy (PhD) by Khudayberganova Ruxsora Tadjibayevna on the topic “Development and improvement of the territorial structure of industry of the Lower Amudarya economic region” presented for the degree of Doctor of Sceince (DSc) in the specialty of 11.00.02 – Economic and social geography on June , 2024 at 1000 at the meeting of the Scientific Council DSc.03/30.12.2021.Gr.02.07 at Samarkand State University.
Address: 140104, Samarkand, Boulevard “University”, House № 15, Head Building of Samarkand State University. Room № 105.
Tel.: (95) 410-20-10, fax: (0366) 239-19-36