UGR - Staff mobility application/nomination. Erasmus+ ICM
We are pleased to inform you that you are receiving this message because your university has available staff for training or staff for teaching scholarship/s under the Erasmus+ inter-institutional agreement 2023-2026.
First of all, please note that, according to the guidelines of the Erasmus+ programme, the Erasmus+ inter-institutional agreement needs to be signed by both parties before the beginning of the mobility. My colleagues of the Agreements Unit are working now on the signature process of the agreements. If they have not contacted you yet, there is no need to worry, they will do so soon.
If your university wishes to nominate staff members for teaching or training, we would like to provide you with some details regarding application and nomination procedures. Please bear in mind that all mobility flows under the above-mentioned agreement need to be implemented by 31 July 2026.
Staff for training to Granada:
This activity supports the professional development of teaching and non-teaching staff in the form of training events abroad (excluding conferences) and job shadowing/observation periods/training at a partner institution.
Staff for training scholarships can be implemented by administrative or teaching staff in Departments or Units of UGR, or by participating in any of the planned international weeks. Concerning the first option, candidates should be in contact with their colleagues from UGR and agree a work plan with them.
With regard to the second option, the University of Granada organizes several international weeks every year. The programmes, application deadlines and further details of confirmed events are being published at:
NOTE: With regard to the 33rd Staff Training Week that will be held from 17th to 21st March, please note that, even though the established application period closed last month, there are still some places available. Therefore, if your selected candidate's profile and interests meet the international week content and he/she would like to participate in the above mentioned event, please let us know and please kindly ask him/her to apply online as soon as possible through the following link:
Moreover, we kindly ask you to send us ( the selection and nomination documents as soon as possible but once your university carries out the selection process.
Staff for teaching to Granada:
This activity allows the partner university's teaching staff to teach (a minimum of 8 hours) at the UGR and vice versa and it may be in any subject area/academic discipline (staff should provide a pre-acceptance letter from a Department at UGR). In case applicants are not in contact with their colleagues at UGR who would provide the pre-acceptance letter, please kindly ask your candidates to visit the link below to be informed on steps and required documents.
NOTE: Please bear in mind that the duration of staff mobility flows should be 5 working days, plus 2 additional days for travel.
Required documents
Once you carry out the selection process, we kindly ask you to send us the nomination of the selected candidate/s (template attached) and the list of reserve by e-mail ( together with an electronic copy of the following documents:
- Nominee/s' passport
- Full text of the public call launched by your university and appendix or annex, if any.
- Participants' application
- Minutes of the selection process