Environmental protection is one of the topical issues of today

Scientists recognize that in nature not all things are created just like that, and they cannot be without a trace, but are closely related to humans and all other living beings. From this point of view, nature, its rare and amazing formations, flora and fauna are so merged and absorbed by the activities of man and society that it is difficult to imagine them without each other. Despite this, it is precisely as a result of humanity's uncompromising pressure on nature that the ecological situation on the ground is getting out of control, and environmental pollution is becoming more and more serious.
Recently, in connection with the Day of Environmental Protection, in the Zarafshan National Natural Park, which is a unique corner of nature, on the initiative of the faculty of the Department of Ecology and Life Safety of Samarkand State University named after Sharof Rashidov, an event was held with the participation of the Regional Committee for Nature Protection, leaders - specialists of the national park of nature, mass media, masters and students.
The head of the Department of Ecology of Samgu, Professor Ergash Kobilov, in connection with June 5 - World Environment Day, spoke about its content and essence, improving the environmental situation in the region, research in this area, and measures being taken.
- Preservation of native nature, reproduction of the disappearing unique flora and fauna is one of the most important and urgent tasks facing us, - says Doctor of Biology, Professor Zubaidullo Izzatullayev. – The biggest goal that we set for ourselves at today's event is that every student, master and participants can promote this thing among their peers, fellow students and friends and contribute to its preservation.
For your information, the Zarafshan National Natural Park was created in the 70s of the last century and occupies a total of 2426 hectares. It presents the flora and fauna listed in the “Red Book”, including, in addition to more than 10 species of ferrets (fox, chia wolf, jay, badger, hedgehog, sand mouse, reptiles, etc.). Mammals from 30 species, about 200 species of birds, about 300 species of plants (common hawthorn, common hawthorn, red hawthorn, etc.), of which 59 species of medicinal and more than 20 species of technical plants and ornamental trees are grown.
By the way, the number of visitors to the national natural park is growing, and most importantly, memorandums and agreements have been signed with foreign states and companies in order to further deepen scientific research.
It is noteworthy that this Gusha is even more landscaped in order to develop external and internal ecotourism, opening up wide opportunities for entrepreneurship.
Hydirals Botirov,
Lecturer at Samarkand State University;
Dildora Olimova,
PhD Samgu.