The defense of master's theses of graduates of Samarkand State University has begun

She defended her master's thesis at Samarkand State University named after Sharof Rashidova. The process began early in the morning at the Faculty of Philology and continued at a high level in another faculty.
- Today we will publish our master's theses, which will be published as a result of scientific research in 2 years, - says Otajon Normuradov, Master of Chemistry, Samarkand State University. "Of course, now I'm excited." I hope we succeed, God willing.
- The defense of master's theses at Samarkand State University is going on in a very high spirits, - says Doctor of Chemistry, Professor Akbar Khamdamov. - Our youth did a great job on scientific research. It is gratifying that each topic is devoted to the study of topical issues. I believe that our masters will be able to successfully defend candidate and doctoral dissertations in the future and make a worthy contribution to science.
Samarkand State University
Information service.
Photo by Shavkata Akramova.