The winners of the scientific Olympiad of Samarkand State University will be admitted to the university

Samarkand State University named after Sharof Rashidov held a science Olympiad of Samarkand State University in Physics, Informatics and Mathematics for graduate students of secondary schools.
3774 graduates from our region took part in this knowledge test. At the last stage, which was held at university, a total of 48 students tested their knowledge. It is gratifying that the participants who won this Olympiad will be admitted to Samarkand State University.
Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation of Samarkand State University Khakim Khushvaktov opened the Olympiad with an introductory speech and wished good luck to all participants.
- I successfully participated in the regional and district stages of the Olympiad, - tells Ezoza Elmanova, a student of the 11th Lyceum of the city of Kattakurgan. - The university stage is in active phase. The questions are well structured. Together with scientific riddles, logical ones are also done, which encourage a person to think and reason. One of the great opportunities created for our youth is that the winners of this Olympiad can be admitted to Samarkand State University without exams. We would like to thank the management of SamSU for this.
- Samarkand State University is one of the most advanced executors of initiatives set forward by the President of our country, - tells Bahrom Bobonazarov, director of school No. 35 of the Kushrabat district. “Before, our youth did not have such an opportunity. Today's Olympiad will serve to further increase our children's interest in learning and supporting them. I was also very excited to see an even bigger surge of self-confidence in the eyes of my readers.
Samarkand State University
News office.
Photos made by Shavkat Akramov.