Is fertilizing plants with sulfur effective?

At the present stage of economic and social development, the problem of providing the population with the necessary food and agricultural products is of paramount importance. The only way to solve this problem is to use agricultural land more efficiently and increase productivity. In the development of agriculture, the problem of fertilizers is in the first place. Because the industry for the production of mineral fertilizers is widely developed in our country. However, it is necessary to continue scientific research in this area in order to increase the level of digestibility of the plant, to use the raw materials used on an economical basis, so that the fertilizer is of high quality.
Currently, attention is paid to phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium types of mineral fertilizers. Therefore, nitrogen fertilizer promotes the growth of the plant organism, potassium fertilizer strengthens the plant organism, and phosphorus fertilizer increases productivity. In addition, scientific work is underway to create broad opportunities for the production of complex fertilizers containing such microelements as copper, zinc, as well as potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus. Sulfur is of great importance in protecting plants from pests and effectively accelerating the growth process.
Madina Tirkasheva, Master of the Faculty of Chemistry of Samarkand State University, is conducting a scientific research on the topic “Technology for the production of hydrophilic sulfur.” A number of articles on this topic have been published in national and international publications.
“In the process of plant protection, fertilizing with sulfur also occupies a special place,” says Madina Tirkasheva. - Sulfur is necessary for plants for growth and development, it is on a par with important macronutrients for plants. Its deficiency leads to a decrease in the quality of self-fertilization and the incidence of various diseases in the early stages of crop development. As a result, the expected harvest at the end of the year is not achieved. The sulfur contained in the soil will not be enough for the normal growth of plants. To accelerate the growth of all types of crops, it is recommended to treat with sulfur in a crushed or colloidal state up to 2-5 times. Because sulfur has the ability to repel insects. However, the fact that sulfur has hydrophobic (not hydrophobic) properties reduces its effectiveness and makes it difficult to obtain chemicals containing sulfur. Preparations containing sulfur as part of insecticidal substances are not harmful to humans and livestock.
Since sulfur is one of the widely used domestic insecticidal substances in our republic, obtaining phosphorus-sulfur fertilizers with insecticidal activity by activating phosphorites with sulfur is an urgent problem. As a result of the activation of phosphorites in the presence of sulfur, phosphorus is converted into a plant-assimilable and hydrophilic (hydrating) form of sulfur, which saves sulfuric acid consumption in the production of phosphorus fertilizers and increases the efficiency of the resulting fertilizers.
Iroda Bekmurodova
Information service employee of
Samarkand State University.