Rector of Samarkand State University, professor, member of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis Rustam Khalmuradov, editor-in-chief of the joint editorial office of the newspapers “Zarafshan” and “Samarkand Vestnik”, senator Farmon Toshev and head of the department of legal propaganda and education of the Department of Justice of the Samarkand region Orif Muhammadiev took part in the discussion of proposals for this topic.

    The event continued in the form of a video link, in which the leaders of the mahalla youth from the districts and cities of the agency took an active part.

    The participants were provided with detailed information that, according to the draft constitutional law, more than 200 changes and additions, 6 new articles, on priority areas put forward by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev at a meeting with members of the Constitutional Commission on June 20, 2022, are planned to be introduced into the preamble and 64 articles of the document of the year. It was also emphasized that all young people should actively participate in these reforms.

    - The Constitution is not a hardened document. It is the Constitution that is obliged and necessary to express the new aspirations of people, - says Rustam Kholmurodov. - I believe that the updated Constitution of Uzbekistan, as defined by the President, will become a real people's Constitution. Tomorrow there will be times when a grateful generation will say thank you for the constitutional reform, thank...

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Samarkand State University