What useful elements can be obtained from propane-butane?

Today, oil and gas are important chemical raw materials, and in all industries and energy sectors of today, oil and gas products are in the greatest demand. The need for the rational use of petroleum associated gases is due to the fact that they are burned in large quantities at oil production facilities. Losses occur mainly due to long-term deposits of small and medium size, the share of which has recently increased significantly. Including more than 170 billion m3 of gas is emitted into the atmosphere and causes great harm to the environment. Despite the fact that during the year gas emissions into the atmosphere from the fields of the Republic of Uzbekistan amount to 3% of the total produced indicator, this is a great wealth. At present, for a more efficient use of petroleum satellite gases, it is advisable to build gas processing plants at the sites of oil production, which makes it possible to obtain aromatic hydrocarbons from petroleum satellite gases in the presence of catalysts. Aromatic hydrocarbons (Aru) are an important feedstock in organic synthesis. Synthetic fibers, plastics, pharmaceutical and agricultural preparations, dyes, various rubbers and other products are obtained from aromatic hydrocarbons. In organic synthesis, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes are more commonly used. Currently, aromatic hydrocarbons are obtained by cracking and pyrolysis of petroleum liquid hydrocarbons. But, given that oil reserves are also limited, the replacement of oil with alternative sources of raw materials becomes an important issue. These alternative feedstock resources are natural gas, associated petroleum gases and biogas. Numerous scientists have studied the catalytic transformations of petroleum satellite gases and created technologies for the production of aromatic hydrocarbons, olefins, and high-molecular-weight alkanes from them. They studied technologies for converting light paraffins in oil associated gases into valuable liquid products, creating a catalyst for aromatization reactions and the process of obtaining aromatic hydrocarbons in the presence of zeolite catalysts; the dependence of the selectivity of the formation of certain products on the structure, composition of zeolites and their acidic properties, the conditions for the preliminary preparation of catalysts, and the process of converting gaseous hydrocarbons. Despite numerous studies of the process of catalytic aromatization of petroleum associated gases, no catalysts have been created that have high productivity and selectivity, are highly stable, stable, durable, inexpensive and active, reducing coking. In my research, this is mainly the production of aromatic hydrocarbons from propane-butane. In the course of my research in 2022, I took part in the 1st International Conference on Problems and Prospects of Modern Science (ATP conf. Proc) I published 1 article in the “Eurasian Journal of Engineering and Technology” and “Polish science Journal” in the "International science journal". With the help of our rector, professor, member of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis Rustam Khalmuradov, who extends a helping hand in creating scientific innovations and supports scientific researchers, an energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence analyzer EDHRF and a gas chromatograph “Rigaku” were delivered to the Faculty of Chemistry, which measure the porosity of Sorby-m solid substances. With the help of the teaching staff of our faculty, Khurshid Tashpulatov, Sanjar Tillaev and Bariddin Shukurov, we are conducting the experimental parts of our scientific work. Together with the engineering and technical staff of “Sho‘rtangaz kimyo majmuasi” LLC and the teaching staff of SamSU, senior research, research, master’s and student industrial engineering and technical workers, we organize an experimental research base, experimental and production laboratories. doctor of technical sciences, professor Normurot Fayzullaev also put forward many initiatives. In “Sho‘rtangaz kimyo majmuasi” LLC, young scientific researchers, doctoral students of the department, under the guidance of our mentor, conduct scientific experiments. I can confidently say that this is a sign that science and practice are in harmony.
Shamsiddin Holliev,
Doctoral student of Samarkand State University.