What to pay attention to at the initial stage of training badminton players?

Badminton originated in England in the 70s of the XIX century, and after the development of the rules of the game, it spread to other European countries. In 1934, the International Badminton Federation (IBF) was created. This sport began to develop in Uzbekistan since the 50s of the last century.
At the Faculty of Sports Activities and Arts of Samarkand State University, this sport is well developed, and we have witnessed how many champions have grown.
Doctoral student of Samarkand State University Marat Muhammadiev is conducting a scientific research on the topic "Development of coordination abilities at the initial stage of training badminton players." He also works fruitfully as the executive director of the Samarkand regional branch of the Badminton Federation of Uzbekistan.
Very little is known about the historical formation of badminton sports and its development in our country today. Also, the relevance of this topic is evidenced by the lack of research on the development of coordination abilities in badminton players.
Within the framework of this topic, Marat Muhammadiev conducted a survey among students of sports schools and received the first data on how much this sport is interesting for young people. According to him, the majority of young people expressed a high interest in badminton.
- Badminton requires from an athlete not only movement, but also logical thinking, foreseeing the situation, - says Marat Muhammadiev. - Therefore, when preparing young people, we try to develop their sensitivity, the ability to draw logical conclusions. We are also more engaged with young people in the skills of increasing dexterity and flexibility. This sport is very useful not only for professionals, but also for amateurs. In particular, it is very helpful in improving vision, providing physical stimulation.