What is reseeding? What is its significance in agriculture?

Secondary crops are those that are sown a second time instead of the main crop in the field after mowing and harvesting. Gives a harvest already in the year of sowing. Allows more efficient use of land and obtain agricultural products in excess of a unit area. Autumn is used in warm, long-term fertile areas and regions of irrigated agriculture. In Uzbekistan, after harvesting winter barley, corn, oats, peas, and barley are mainly sown as a secondary crop.
At the Department of Physiology and Microbiology of Plants of Samarkand State University, a number of works are being carried out to study such plants that are grown as repeated crops. In particular, the 1st year Master Gulnoza Ortikova conducts scientific research on the sowing of buckwheat (Narodny buckwheat) as a secondary crop and its bioecological properties. Scientific Supervisor Associate Professor of the Department of Physiology and Microbiology of Plants Zukhra Juraeva.
“Today, due to the rapid growth of the population, the demand for food is growing every day,” says Gulnoza Ortikova. “This indicates the importance of scientific research aimed at providing the population with nutrients and high-quality feed. My research is aimed at introducing in our country the sowing of buckwheat plants as a re-crop, to determine the yield and yield indicators. Of the areas allocated for grain crops in our country, wheat is grown on a large scale. After the harvest of wheat, the sown areas are released. Buckwheat can be freely grown and cultivated as a secondary secondary crop on lands freed from wheat fields.
Currently, products from wheat, rice, corn, especially special food for children, which are of world quality and rich in macromicroelements, find their place on store shelves in a wide range. It's no secret that in the composition of plants such as millet, rice, wheat, corn, volatile substances are of great importance for human health. This shows both the scientific and practical significance of such studies.
Iroda Bekmurodova
Information Service Officer
Samarkand State University
Photos taken by Shavkat Akramov.