Today, worldwide, one of the most dangerous accidents ever observed is a methane explosion. Typically, a methane explosion is observed in the range of its concentration in the air from 5 to 16 percent. In connection with the growth of gas production and consumption in our republic, the creation of equipment and sensors that determine the content of methane in the atmospheric air becomes an urgent problem.

    Master of Chemistry Faculty of Samarkand State University Yuldash Erdanov is conducting research on the creation of a gas detection sensor based on zol-gel technology.

    “An analysis of research in the field of creating chemical gas sensors in industrialized countries showed that the use of thermal catalytic and semiconductor sensors is the most reliable and convenient means of preventing explosion hazards through the rapid detection of natural gas,” says Yuldosh Erdanov, Master of Samgu. – Based on this, we have created a scheme for obtaining a thin gas-sensitive film based on zinc (Zn) and cobalt (Co) oxides. Taking into account the stability of the solution and the solubility of the dopants included in the hydrolysable components, we proposed the use of ethanol as a solvent in the synthesis of gas-sensitive films based on zinc and cobalt oxides. The effect of the composition and ratio of the components of the film-forming solution on the process of ash maturation in a wide range of these concentrations was studied.

    We have found that the stability of the respective solution will be highest at -TEOS:H2O:ethanol:HCl:=1:20:30:0.1.

    As a result, we obtained gas-sensitive materials based on Zol-gel technology and made them into selective sensors that detect CH4. Individual sensors are fast and highly sensitive and can be used to detect high concentrations of CH4 in the atmosphere.

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Samarkand State University.