Today there is a unique natural phenomenon

On this day, the full moon comes very close to the Earth. This was reported by the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Amateur astronomers have called this phenomenon "Supermoon" because the Moon appears larger due to its proximity.
The fact is that the average distance between the Moon and the Earth is 384 thousand kilometers. The Moon moves around the Earth in an ellipse and approaches and moves away from the Earth 12-13 times in 1 year.
The shortest distance is called perigee and is 356 thousand km, and the longest distance is called apogee and is 406 thousand km.
During each perigee, the distance is different, and this time the rendezvous will occur on July 13 at 14:06 Tashkent time, and it will be 357,264 kilometers. This is the shortest distance in 2022.
I must say that at this time the Moon will be below the horizon for our region and it will not be visible. 9 hours - 32 minutes after that, the Moon enters its full moon phase - its 100 percent surface is illuminated by sunlight.
Because the distance is relatively short, the Moon will be a large rock compared to other full moons. Today the Moon will come out at 20:07 pm and stay in the sky until 3:51 am. Naturally, in its fullest phase -23:38 - it is quite high in the sky and can be observed comfortably.