Appeal of the khokim of the Samarkand region Erkinjon Turdimov to the population on prevention, causes, consequences and opportunities for the treatment of oncohematological diseases in children

Dear compatriots!
The increase in the incidence of cancer worldwide in recent years dictates the need to pay serious attention to the development of this area. Every year 16 million cancer patients are diagnosed in the world.
Unfortunately, oncological diseases in our country, as well as throughout the world, are on the rise. Today, in our region, a system has been introduced for maintaining electronic lists of patients with hematological, oncological and hereditary immunological diseases, 627 children suffer from oncological diseases and 68 children with oncohematological diseases.
Scientists believe that oncohematological diseases arise due to genetic changes. Some scientists associate the occurrence of oncohematological diseases with a violation of the environment, ecology or lifestyle.
The main methods of treatment of oncohematological diseases are polychemotherapy and radiation therapy, in the treatment of which such a high-tech process as bone marrow transplantation is used.
Oncohematological diseases in children are considered one of the determining factors of disability, leading to complex medical, medical-psychological, medical-social and economic problems of society, due to the severity and duration of the disease.
In order to further improve the oncohematological care provided to the population this year, a hematology department for 20 beds was reconstructed at the regional children's multidisciplinary medical center for the treatment of oncohematological patients at the expense of funds allocated from the local budget in the amount of 123 million soums. A special laboratory equipped with a modern binocular computer microscope has been organized for the diagnosis of oncohematological diseases.
In the region, 41 patients with thalassemia are under dispensary control. These patients require bone marrow transplantation. To date, 5 patients with thalassemia have been prepared and submitted to the Ministry of Health documents for bone marrow transplantation. Documents 2 of them were sent abroad and are scheduled for free work by the sponsoring fund.
Patients subject to treatment at the republican level, after a full examination and provision of primary medical care, are sent to the Republican Center for Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology on a preferential voucher.
By the end of this year, in connection with the construction and commissioning of a new building for a children's center and a polyclinic, it is planned to organize an oncohematology department for 30 beds on the territory of the center, which still functions to this day.
The buildings of the maternity complex No. 3 of the city of Samarkand were transferred to the Samarkand branch of the Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center of Oncology and Radiology and repaired at the expense of the local budget in the amount of 3 billion soums. As a result, 6 new departments were fully equipped and a separate pediatric oncology department with 15 beds was organized. For those caring for the sick, the department has a separate 10-bed bed with free meals.
In addition, the branch was allocated 14.8 billion soums from the local budget and equipped with 8 types of modern equipment. A modern "microplate enzyme immunoassay analyzer" made in Germany was installed and 7 types of tumor markers have been installed to date. Two specialists working in South Korean and Russian clinics were returned to the region. Two pediatric oncologists working in the branch completed training in South Korea and Turkey.
In order to introduce the practice of bone marrow transplantation, a special department and an immunogenetic laboratory are being organized in the regional multidisciplinary medical center. To do this, two specialists returned with an internship to Turkish clinics. These high-tech, complex practices are planned to be introduced from 2023.