Features of the soy plant

The role and importance of the agricultural sector in ensuring the food security of the population around the world is growing day by day. In order to improve the culture of agriculture, to widely introduce into production the achievements of science and technology, and advanced experience, great measures are being taken in our country to increase the yield of grain crops, improve their quality, especially to ensure the independence of grain. An important task is to fulfill the task of fully providing the population of the republic with food, primarily grain products. The expansion of areas under soybean oilseeds and the increase in their products in our country is important to fully meet the needs of the population in oil and fat products and the consistent development of animal husbandry.
At the same time, currently one of the biggest problems is the development and provision of vegetable protein in agriculture. Of great importance in solving this problem is soybean vegetation from legumes. The soybean plant belongs to the family of legumes and cereals, an annual plant native to Central Asia. Soy plays an important role in cooking, fodder and soil fertility. Soy grain contains 38-52% protein, 22-25% fat, oil contains various vitamins, and straw contains 4-5% protein and up to 5% fat. Soybean grain in protein content is 2.5 times higher than wheat grain and 3.5 times corn grain, and soybean grain protein contains more than 10 amino acids. And the blue mass is feed for livestock. On the roots of soybeans, shoots are developed that can use atmospheric nitrogen, as on the roots of all legumes. Rizobiol in the root of the soybean plant accumulates up to 150-250 kilograms of pure nitrogen per hectare thanks to the buds formed by bacteria. Soy is considered a very ancient crop that loves light, heat and moisture.
Soy is a plant that is extremely useful in medicine, effective in increasing yields in animal husbandry and favorable for growing as a companion crop in agriculture. Soy plant and products from it are useful in diseases of the stomach, gastrointestinal tract. Soy is also effective in the treatment of diabetes.
Khurshida Rakhmonova
Samarkand State University
Basic doctoral studies of the Department of Soil Science and Agrotechnologies