Factors negatively affecting agriculture

The negative impact of man on nature and the resulting environmental problems around the world are becoming global. The harm caused to nature by various industrial enterprises and factories, cars, is widely known. But have you ever thought about the fact that air vehicles also have a direct negative impact on nature?!
Master of the Faculty of Agrobiotechnology and Food Safety of Samarkand State University Lobar Abdusalomova conducts a scientific study on the topic “Negative impact of the Samarkand airport on the production of organic farming products and measures to reduce it.” Scientific Supervisor - Head of the Department of Soil Science and Agrotechnologies of SamSU, Professor Shodikul Kholikulov.
“Various harmful substances emitted from airliners and trucks have a negative impact on human life, including agriculture,” says researcher Lobar Abdusalomova. - Like various factory fumes that damage the atmosphere, aircraft engines release gases, noise and particles into the atmosphere. Airliners are the main subject of air pollution, and then the soil, with heavy metals. Today, the negative impact of such harmful emissions on local air quality leads to environmental pollution. The total amount of harmful gases and emissions increases as air traffic increases. It is predicted that by 2021 aviation fuel emissions will increase by 70.3% compared to 2005, and by 2050 their number may increase by 300%. The main purpose of this scientific study is to study the negative impact of transport links in the country on agricultural production and organic farming, as well as a scientific assessment of the damage caused to soils around the airport. Currently, within the framework of the study, experiments are being carried out to determine the composition of the soil of the territories adjacent to the Samarkand International Airport, to study and reduce the impact of airport activities on organic farming.
The influence of airliners on the atmosphere is manifested in the release of various harmful gases into the air: carbon dioxide, water vapor, nitrogen oxides, incompletely burned hydrocarbons, sulfur oxides, black carbon. These harmful substances cause the greatest harm to the soil from the burning of petroleum products. The more the ecology and the state of the environment deteriorate, the less the fertility of nature, including the soil, decreases. As a result, the amount of use of chemicals in agriculture and farming is increasing. Under the influence of this, the composition of crop food products is also changing, as well as the number of products that are dangerous for consumption and of low quality. Therefore, the scientific study of this issue, work on its solution is one of the most important requirements of today.
Iroda Bekmurodova
Information Service Officer
Samarkand State University.
Photos taken by Shavkat Akramov.