In our people there is a proverb “chicken is one of the seven treasures”. Indeed, chickens are a treasure that can provide your home with eggs and meat. If you can keep him in good conditions, he can bring a good income to the budget of your apartment. This will help you awareness of new technologies and methods that are being introduced thanks to the achievements of modern science. Here are some interesting facts about this bird:

    – Chickens can run at an average speed of 14 km/h. For comparison, the running speed of a physically healthy person is 12-15 km / h.

    There are more chickens in the world than people. For reference, in 2020 there were 20 billion chickens and about 8 billion people on OUR PLANET.

    - Some scientists believe that chickens have the ability to recognize people, that is, a chicken is able to recognize its owner by some features: face, posture, etc.

    Chickens can see colors better than humans.

    - The eggs of young chickens are healthier and tastier than those of old ones.

    - Many people know the chicken as an unpretentious and undersized bird. Although their brain structure is simpler than that of other living beings, about 100 people are able to remember their face. In addition, a chicken can recognize its owner even from a distance of 10 meters.

    - The ability to communicate with each other in chickens is very well formed. They can “talk” to each other with different voices and calls. Another interesting situation is that the mother hen communicates with the chicks that have not yet hatched from the eggs, also using various signals.


Guzel Nurmukhametova

Samarkand State University

Master of Biology Faculty

Seven Truths You Don't Know About One of the Seven Treasures