How important is the use of endophytic bacteria to increase the resistance of crops to diseases and drought?

Doctoral student of the Faculty of Biology of Samarkand State University Shakhzod Akhanbaev conducts research on the topic "Microflora and biotechnological potential of the Cochia plant (Cochia prostrata)". Scientific adviser - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Zafar Ismoilov.
“As you know, on a global scale, as a result of changing climatic factors, the need for a wider study of plants adapted to the increase in arid desert regions, as well as plants adapted to grow in these regions, is increasing,” says Shakhzod Akhanbaev. - We also isolated endophytic bacteria related to the Kochia plant growing in the arid regions of Uzbekistan during the research and identified them using modern molecular genetic methods. In the course of our research, we studied the properties of isolated microorganisms in terms of their activity against phytopathogenic microorganisms that harm crops and promote plant growth. Today, our experiments aimed at determining the resistance of promising strains to antibiotics continue. As a result of our research, promising bacterial strains have been selected and put into practice, which ensure the resistance of agricultural crops to diseases and drought.
Based on the results of scientific research, the researcher published 4 scientific articles in republican journals according to the UAC list and 1 scientific article in a prestigious journal in India, as well as about 20 theses in the materials of republican and international conferences.
Samarkand State University
Information service.
Photos taken by Shavkat Akramov.