Students of the Faculty of Digital Technologies of Samarkand State University Maksud Khamidov and Yusuf Khudoiberdiev completed a student exchange program at St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University (LETI) for 6 months. Below you can find impressions and feedback on these requirements.

    - I really liked the atmosphere at the St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University, - says Maksud Khamidov. - There I studied in the direction of Applied Mathematics and Informatics. The lessons are digitized, and the student has the opportunity to independently master the subject, even if he does not participate in the lesson. That is, each lecture, practice, seminar-class is recorded on video and published on You tube social networks. One day a week is lectures, the other days are practical and laboratory classes. They spend more time on practice than theory. Teachers are demanding, keep on constant control over the learning and acquisition of knowledge by the student. Students study to gain knowledge, not to grade. You will not see a single student sitting idle, the library is always full.

     Another convenience is that in case of any changes in the educational process, class schedule, your mobile application will receive a notification about this. This will prevent undue inconvenience.

    The student has enough opportunities for free work and study. Large entrepreneurs of the industry, company owners, heads of enterprises and organizations come every week and hold master classes, invite the student they like to work. Most students are free to get a job until they graduate.

    Free excursions are organized every month for gifted students by the university trade union. In order for the events and holidays to be held in a special spirit and to be good and interesting, the students themselves are involved in the organizational work.

    For reference, St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University, being one of the oldest higher educational institutions in the Russian Federation, is the first university in Europe specializing in electrical engineering.

    The university trains specialists in the field of radio engineering, telecommunications, control processes, computer technology and IT, electronics, biomedical engineering, management and linguistics. Today, about 1,000 students from 60 countries study at this university as part of an international exchange program. In addition, foreign students with deep knowledge and practical skills have the opportunity to enter the university's master's program at 6 faculties with teaching in English.

    St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University has partnerships in the field of education with 82 universities from 9 countries, one of which is Samarkand State University

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Photos taken by Shavkat Akramov.