What is the significance of the unity of the school and the mahal in education?!

The upbringing of comprehensively developed youth on a global scale, the realization of the intellectual potential of the younger generation are topical issues today, in the solution of which the cooperation of the family, school and mahalla plays an important role. International experience shows that the urgent problem is to expand the knowledge of the population about raising children in the family, increasing the role of educational institutions, choosing the most alternative methods of education, and strengthening cooperation between families and schools. In this regard, research work is being carried out aimed at developing new mechanisms for interaction between the family and the school in primary education, organizing the upbringing of children in the family based on cultural and historical traditions, customs and universal values, and humanizing the upbringing process.
Master of the Faculty of Preschool and Primary Education of Samarkand State University Zarina Mamatova conducts a scientific research on the topic "Modeling the interaction between the family and the school in modern conditions of primary education." Scientific adviser, candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor Kibriye Khasanova.
“Based on the study of the theoretical foundations of the interaction between the school, the family and the mahalla in modern conditions of primary education, changes in the education system and in accordance with the concept of education have shown that training and education must begin with the family,” says researcher Zarina Mamatova. - During the inspections, we identified the need for a systematic analysis of factors that have a significant impact on the technologies of interaction between the school, family and mahalla in the education of modern primary education students. Based on scientific analysis and observations, it can be said that one of the effective approaches in modern primary education is the definition of strategies for managing the technologies of interaction between the school, family and mahalla, the development of a new model based on the requirements for the content and quality of the education of spiritual thinking in the context of education modernization. In this direction, it is necessary that the technologies of cooperation between schools, families and mahallas meet today's requirements, a model of cooperation between parents and teachers should be created in all educational institutions.
Samarkand State University
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