How many PhD candidates can be supervisor or adviser for how many applicants at the same time?

A PhD doctor can be the supervisor and adviser of a maximum of four applicants at the same time. No more than six applicants can be assigned to scientific supervisors and scientific advisors, whose applicants have defended their theses within the last three years on the basis of the opinion of the collegial body of the scientific organisation or educational institution.
A PhD candidate or doctor of philosophy with a scientific degree may supervise no more than two applicants at the same time. No more than three applicants may be assigned to scientific supervisors, whose applicants have timely defended themselves in the last three years, based on the opinion of the collegial body of the educational or scientific organisation.
Foreign nationals or stateless applicants may be assigned scientific supervisors or advisors in excess of the established norm (VIC-545, Appendix 3, p. 7 b).