In each era, the authors portrayed their hero in different ways in their works. In all forms of art, the depiction of the suffering of the psyche, unique, unrestrained, stormy and depressive, becomes the true goal of the Creator. In his works of art, he depicts the mental suffering and dreams of a person. So who is the creator? The creator is an artist, the creator is a sculptor, the creator is a composer, the creator is a writer... these are artists in the human psyche who, through subtle images, express unearthly feelings, pain, suffering, joy and happiness.

    Creative people in one form or another convey to us conclusions about life based on thinking, intellect, strong spiritual impression. Therefore, the worldview, the spiritual energy of the Creator is invested in every living work. It all depends on what opportunities the environment can give for the realization of the possibilities of the individual. Of course, for the creator, creative freedom is also one of the important issues. “What is necessary first of all for creativity is freedom. Without freedom, any talent can fade very quickly,” notes literary critic Ozod Sharafiddinov. The writer throughout his work must have the qualities of overcoming the higher feelings of a person, his psyche, difficulties on the path of life. Any gifted person can create new discoveries or show his talent to the fullest only if he has creative freedom. As long as a person is captivated in his mind, worldview, there will be no creative changes in his life and lifestyle. Such people cannot reach the bright, lofty peaks, but sink even further into the depths of lowlands and darkness. In his soul, human feelings are fading, developing into satanic ones. Such a phenomenon is harmful not only for the individual, but also for society as a whole.

    Even in literature - the art of the word, which is the crown of the artistic world - the study of the Creator's psyche is a very complex process. As we noted above, the spiritual world of the creator and the evolution of this world will undoubtedly serve as a "midwife" for future work. We know that traits in mother or father are passed on to children. In the same way, the writer is present in the stream of consciousness positive or negative memories in his works, which are his "child". In the world of literature, every work has a certain creative power. This suggests that in the upcoming work, the biography of the writer will also be blurred to a certain extent. Suppose that in Otabek or Anvar, the main characters of the works of Abdullah Kadyri, each reader sees the figure of Kadyri. In memoirs (memoirs) works, this circumstance is manifested more clearly. In particular, “Childhood” or “Tales from the Past” by Abdullah Kahhar are written based on the childhood memories of the authors, and it is surprising if this psychological evolution has led to the fact that very mature works of fiction have seen the world. Exploring the art of the writer's works, analyzing it together with the biography of the Creator, one can see some similarities with the naked eye. In this regard, we can find that the study of the psychological evolution of the Creator is an important artistic process. Just as it is difficult for a person to speak out without pain, so the product of his creativity will not mature if his creative psyche does not have a joyful mood for the work he has written. Musa Tashmuhammad oglu Aibek recalls the process of preparing for writing his novel "Navoi" in this way: "I had a map of medieval Herat drawn by me on my desk. I slept in Herat and woke up in Herat, only at night Tashkent, where I lived, entered my dream" . You have seen how important the Creator's psychologism is when creating a work. There is no doubt that Aibek's psychological prowess is the key to the success of Navoi.

    Instead of a conclusion, we can say that any masterpiece is the product of a complex spiritual evolution of the writer, and this evolution always requires a very deep study of it.


Abduvakhob Zaripov,

Samarkand State University

independent researcher of the Faculty of Philology.