The Aidaro-Arnasoy lake system is one of the largest anthropogenic irrigation lakes in our country. This lake, located in the bosom of the Kyzylkum and Nurotinsky mountains, has unique natural resources. Today, this place with diverse fauna and flora attracts many nature lovers.

    The cost of 800 million UAH was prepared by Professor Subkhon Abbasov and Associate Professor of the Department of Geography and Natural Resources Nilufar Sabirova, who have been researching this lake and its surrounding landscapes for many years. Draft sum "On organizational measures for the implementation of the strategy of innovative development of the Republic of Uzbekistan" "Implementation of the creation and implementation of new developments and technologies by higher education organizations in 2022-2023" from the list of programs. Completion of this project is scheduled for December 1, 2022.

    Ecotourism is a tourism activity aimed at getting to know nature, enjoying it, caring for it and protecting it. “Ecotourism routes are important in order to make the trip of tourists to the lake system meaningful,” says SamSU Associate Professor Nilufar Sabirova. - In this project, it is planned to create ecotourism route maps for the surrounding landscapes of the Aidar-Arnasoy lake system and an ecotourism atlas of the Aidar-Arnasoy lake system. Also, another of our projects worth 400 million soums on the topic “Monitoring and creating maps of the ecological state of the surrounding landscapes of the Aydar-Arnasoy lake system using remote sensing” was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan in March. On December 26, 2022, Aidar-Arnasoy 136 “On additional measures to manage the lake system” was submitted to the announced competition. Today, this object of research is in the focus of attention not only of domestic scientists, but also foreign ones, and is aimed at the implementation of international projects in cooperation.


Samarkand State University

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