In the soul of each of our compatriots, the desire for new changes has intensified.

    In the process of amendments and additions to the Constitution of Uzbekistan, our people also watched the discussions. The feeling of belonging, indifference to one's future was even more evident in the example of our compatriots who took an active part in these processes.

    Observing these political processes directly, I became convinced that our citizens, who are not indifferent to the new changes that are starting, took the initiative themselves, made many proposals, and actively supported our reforms.

    Change doesn't happen on its own. There must be aspirations of people who want tomorrow to be better than today, in the heart of equals and equals. Changes in his thinking should go into his life, lifestyle. We are witnessing many changes taking place now in the way of life of people, in society.

    In recent years, at the initiative of the President of our country, special attention has been paid to strengthening spiritual and educational work. Our people are especially well aware of our work on the development of the cultural and humanitarian sphere - culture, cinema, dance and fine arts, literature and reading. In particular, the organization and holding of international status conferences, festivals of melon growing and national crafts at a high level played an important role in popularizing the new Uzbekistan in the world. This approach is a solid foundation for our current and future development.

    For the purpose of an objective and reliable study of national history, the Center for the Study of Cultural Values ​​of Uzbekistan Abroad, the Center for the New History of Uzbekistan under the Academy of Sciences, and the Uzbekiston Tarihi TV channel are currently operating. In order to study and promote the religious and scientific and spiritual heritage of our great ancestors - Muhaddiths, who made an invaluable contribution to the development of Islam, there are international research centers of Imam Bukhari, Imam Termizi in Surkhandarya in Samarkand, as well as in Tashkent - the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan, Imam Moturidi International Research Center.

    The center of Islamic civilization in Uzbekistan, which is being built in Tashkent, will become a center of science and education, playing an invaluable role in the in-depth study and promotion of the rich religious and spiritual heritage of our people, educating the younger generation in the spirit of national and universal values.

    It is gratifying that, given the growing role and influence of spiritual and educational work in the current difficult and stressful time, special importance is attached to the further strengthening of activities in this area. It should be noted that the new Uzbekistan, along with all areas of activity in authoritative international and regional organizations, boldly puts forward initiatives on spiritual and educational issues. It should be especially noted that the initiatives put forward by the President of our country at the 72nd session of the United Nations General Assembly to adopt the resolution “Enlightenment and Religious Tolerance” received wide support from the international community and were adopted.

    Also at the summit of the Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States, another important initiative of the Head of our state was adopted, aimed at encouraging outstanding personalities who have made a great contribution to the development of science, education, culture and art, as well as the unity of the Turkic world, the Alisher Navoi International Prize of the Turkic Council was established . We believe that this is an expression of high respect and respect for our grandfather Alisher Navoi, who is the pride of all Turkic peoples, for our people, who raised and raised such great people.

    It should be noted that there is a big difference between the worldview, the way of life of our people six years ago and today's compatriots. Over the past short period, the political, legal, socio-economic, cultural and educational image of our society has also changed radically. All this is manifested in a gradual increase in the income of the population, providing people with individual housing and high-quality consumer goods, and expanding the necessary infrastructure for living. The proof of this can be seen in the way people feel in their lives, in marriage, and recognize this now at every step.

    The achievements made in Uzbekistan in the field of human rights and freedoms, the rule of law, openness and transparency, freedom of speech, limiting forced labor and pursuing an open policy are today especially recognized by the international community.

    Of course, this is not achieved on its own. The President of our country, wherever he traveled, met with residents, paid special attention to their desires, interests, problems that they face, walked around the mahalla, heard the pain and anxiety of people. Through this, the way to the hearts of the people was found. As a result, there have been great changes in the psyche of people. The social activity of citizens has increased, the level of political awareness has increased.

    During this time, a solution was found not only to the biggest problem of the people, which at any moment became a heavy burden on their shoulders, but also some leaders who were cut off from the life of the people, learned to go to the people, meet with citizens face to face, live in their cares and concerns. Most of all, the mood, worldview and attitude of people to life have changed, a firm confidence in the future has appeared.

    The introduction of a system of sectors, which was not previously in history, is an important factor in the further convergence of state bodies with the population, the establishment of a systemic dialogue with the people. The “Iron Notebook”, “Women's Notebook”, “Youth Notebook” are being introduced, providing for the elimination of poverty and unemployment in society, covering the most vulnerable segments of the population, and systemic support is being provided for socially unprotected segments of the population. Tens of thousands of our compatriots in need of housing have their own shelters and live a happy life. Various bureaucratic barriers are eliminated, many amenities are created. Youth, women, persons with disabilities are also provided with great benefits and opportunities.

    Society and the state will develop steadily in harmony only if a person receives a decent education and lives in abundance. Therefore, today, on a global scale, human rights and freedoms, ratings and standards associated with these concepts, are of paramount importance.

    Young people tend to think in a new way, boldly put forward more and more new ideas, bring them to life, solve problems based on creative and non-standard approaches. Therefore, in our country, special attention is paid to creating all conditions for the young generation to receive education, develop their talents and potential in the field of science, innovation, literature, art and sports, and their active participation in the socio-political life of our society.

    A lot of work is being done in this direction on the basis of the initiatives of the Head of our state. In particular, in our country, in order to train competitive personnel with high knowledge and qualifications, about 150 universities and about 30 branches of foreign higher educational institutions have been opened. Whereas in 2016 the number of universities in our republic was 77. In the short term, we have achieved almost two to three times growth in this regard.

    In 2016, more than 6,000 students studied at our Samarkand State University. To date, there are already about 30,000 of them, and in the next 3 years, the construction of 11 educational and laboratory buildings and dormitories continues. It should be noted that these structures are being built mainly at the expense of extra-budgetary funds, and financial opportunities have been created for these constructive works. At present, the Kattakurgan and Urgut branches of our university have begun their activities. Also this year, for the first time, admissions were announced to the institutes of agrobiotechnology and food safety, as well as engineering physics.

    At present, great changes are also being carried out in our country in the school education system based on the idea “new Uzbekistan begins at the threshold of the school”. The number of presidential schools, creative and specialized schools is growing in Tashkent and the regions of the republic. Within the framework of the Five Important Initiatives program, the Barkamol Avlod centers organize various circles for the meaningful leisure of young people, with the participation of hundreds of thousands of children. Also, more than 100 thousand pieces of art and sports equipment, computers, more than 600 thousand books were delivered to educational institutions, libraries and training centers.

    A person is not a means to achieve a goal for the state and society, but the main content and source of this goal, and the highest value. Six years ago, the cornerstone was laid in the basis of reforms based on the principle "Man - Society - State". Now it remains to make this approach the main value in our lives.

    Undoubtedly, the renewing Uzbekistan will become a country with a stable economy, a free and comfortable life, respected throughout the world, consistently developing along the chosen path of development. Our hardworking, noble people will achieve even greater success in all areas.


Sunnatullo Mukhiddinov,

Samarkand State University

Head of the Department of History of Samarkand University