1 quota was allocated for the basic doctorate in the field I submitted, two people received the same number of points, will both of us be enrolled?

In case of equality of the final scores scored by several applicants based on the results of entrance examinations or interviews for internship research, basic doctoral studies and doctoral studies, preference is given to the following applicants:
a) trainee researcher and basic doctoral studies:
- Master's degree graduates with excellent grades;
- holders of copyright certificates and patents;
- those who have published scientific articles in journals, including foreign ones
b) to doctoral studies:
- Having more than 5 years of scientific and pedagogical experience;
- holders of copyright certificates and patents;
- monographs (for the social sciences and humanities), which have a large (compared to other applicants) number of scientific articles on the topic of the applicant's dissertation, published in relevant scientific journals, including foreign ones;
- completed more than 50% of the volume of the dissertation research (PKM-304, appendix 2, ch. 3, p. 24).