Samarkand State University was visited by a delegation headed by Professor Hae Woo Lee, President of the South Korean Dong-A University.

    The guests of honor were received by the rector of Samarkand State University, professor, member of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis Rustam Khalmuradov.

    The main purpose of the visit is the establishment of international cooperation, the implementation of joint educational programs in the specialties of magistracy and doctoral studies.

    - Dong A University of South Korea was founded in 1946. This university has 58 faculties with twenty thousand students, - says Professor He Wu Li. - Dong-A University specializes in technology, exact, humanities, humanities, archeology, engineering, medicine, sports, human resource management, molecular biology, information technology, and prepares mainly for master's and doctoral studies. I believe that our visit today will be useful to both universities. The main goal is to establish permanent cooperation with Samarkand State University. We are ready for practical cooperation if the administration of SamSU recommends those wishing to study in the master's, doctoral studies in the above areas ...

    The Dean of the Faculty of History of Samarkand State University, Professor Dilfuza Dzhurakulova also suggested establishing cooperation in the field of archeology, establishing an exchange of professors and teachers. It was also noted that archaeologists from Samarkand State University should participate in the archaeological excavations conducted in Korea, as well as exchange textbooks and literature in this area. In response, Professor Hae-woo stated that archaeologists from Dong-a University are recognized as the leading Korean experts in this field, and that a contract will be awarded to carry out this proposal.

Bekhruz Shamsiddinov

Samarkand State University

information officer,

Photographs taken by Shavkat Akramov.