“Samarkand State University: did the khakim of the region make a mistake or is it all PR?” – written in the Telegram channel https://t.me/Talimgaoid_perevod. The administration of Samarkand State University reports the following regarding the information entitled:

      Do you know what people are really looking for in a catchy headline? Do you think that the basis of such actions of people who have lost their health is to increase the number of subscribers when they "receive" a large income?!

      You are not right!

      I wish that people who stood up for the oppressed did so without any retribution, stroking the heads of the victims with one hand, and with the other (https://t.me/Perevod_reklama) did not aim to make money on advertising!

       In fact, such people do not even care about the end of the work of a citizen. Its only goal is to make a small profit by increasing the number of subscribers.

      Violating the Laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the Mass Media" and "On Advertising"), it's time to take tough measures against the owners of such channels.

      According to the competent authorities, such “outhouses”, which multiply like mushrooms after rain, instead of constructive proposals for solving an existing problem or mitigating the situation, they try to steal the precious time of others, undermine the reputation of heads of enterprises and organizations. They are trying to score "points" by publishing information aimed at undermining the social network.

      As in most higher educational institutions of the world that have switched to a credit-module system, at SamSU a student with academic debt has the right to these subjects, approved by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 824 dated December 31, 2020 educational process in institutions of higher education” According to chapter 8, paragraph 41 of the Regulations, pays for additional classes organized during the holidays or during the next semesters in accordance with the amount of loans granted to them.”

      This procedure was not invented by Samarkand State University. Chapter 3, 25 - "When establishing differences in the subjects of the curriculum, the student is accepted for training as an academic debtor." Why should SamSU be afraid of these incessant correspondence and leave a student's mark like that?! Maybe we should give the fake diploma to the others because it will raise a fuss on the social network?!

      No! Any arbitrariness has a limit. We remind those who are trying to get things done by muddying the waters: an appeal sent about a clear and specific problem will be considered in the appropriate order and will be resolved. Other situations can only work against you.

      The most important condition for the credit-modular system, which has justified itself even in foreign countries, is to increase the students' enthusiasm for learning, the call for discipline in exchange for the "punishment" of expulsion of poor students. A fair answer to a reasonable question why a student who has not mastered the subjects, in addition to studying well or excellently, should move from course to course.

      We would like the students and those who supported their appeal to understand one thing well: SamSU cannot deviate from the above rule. Failure to comply with the requirements of this Government Decree is a violation. The student must master the subjects indicated in the curriculum in the prescribed manner.

Information Service
Samarkand State University.