The ionography "Catalytic transformations of acetylene into biofunctional catalysts" was published in Russian by Professor Normurod Fayzullaev and Associate Professor Noryigit Musulmanov, Head of the Department of Polymer Chemistry and Chemical Technology of Samarkand State University...
The monograph is devoted to the chemistry of acetylene, one of the main directions in the production of organic chemistry. Catalytic reactions and the mechanism of acetylene activation in the first part, acetylene hydrohalogenation in the second part, hydration in the third part, and acetylation reactions in the fourth part are studied in detail. In addition, the monograph covers the production technology of vinyl chloride, chloroprene, acetaldehyde, acetone and vinyl acetate. The monograph is intended for masters, graduate students, researchers and scientific and scientific and technical employees working in this field. The book was prepared jointly by scientists from Samarkand State University and Atyrau Oil and Gas University (Kazakhstan)...
Samarkand State University
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