On the eve of the great day the youth was visited...

On the initiative of the rector of Samarkand State University, a scientist of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a member of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis, Rustam Khalmuradov, 58 boys and girls from the Youth Balance in Samarkand were visited.
In communication with young people, their interests, problems and shortcomings are explored, assistance and recommendations are given to overcome them.
Nasiba Inoyatullayeva, a 11th grade student living in the Bogu Temur mahalla, and Umida Shodieva from the Bekho mahalla said that they are fond of sewing and do not have sewing machines.
From the side of the rector of SamSU, the girls were given a sewing machine. The gift was presented by the First Vice-Rector of SamSU for Youth Affairs Shahzoda Negmatova.
Sadokat Tilovova, Sohibjon Azamov and Akmaljon Sultonov, who live in the Botir Zokirov mahalla, said they needed financial support and a modern tablet. Rustam Yuldoshev, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of SamSU, presented the financial assistance allocated by the university and tablets as a gift.
Mirjamol Marupov, a resident of the Ahmad Yassavi mahalla, showed interest in art. He said that he needed a sound amplifier and a microphone. Khakim Khushvaktov, Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation at SamSU, donated a tape recorder with a microphone provided by the university.
- I'm interested in sewing. I sew clothes and similar things at home on an old typewriter,” says Umida Chodieva. - I couldn't afford a better sewing machine. Thanks to President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, who is always with us, with our youth, taking care of us. He attached the leadership of SamSU to study our problems and shortcomings. Representatives of the university always keep in touch with me and give the necessary recommendations and assistance. I asked for a sewing machine and they gave me a good one. I no longer find it difficult to sew. I am grateful to all the organizers.
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Samarkand State University