Happy birthday!

Professor of Samarkand State University,
famous scientist, experienced teacher Mahmud Lutfullaev!
Dear Mahmud Khasanovich!
I heartily congratulate you on your birthday.
Seventy years is the beginning of the season of wisdom.
You are a scientist with vast life experience. Your opinion is very important and valuable to us.
You are making a worthy contribution to the development of information technology science at Samarkand State University. It is impossible to imagine the development of this direction at our university without your hard work.
During your scientific and pedagogical activity, you prepared 3 candidates of sciences. You have shown dozens of young people a great way of life.
Your monographs, textbooks and manuals have been published.
As a devoted scientist and hardworking teacher, you are highly respected in the scientific community of our country.
Professors and teachers of SamSU are rightfully proud of you.
I wish you long life and good health.
Rustam Khalmuradov,
rector of Samarkand State University,
scientist of the Republic of Uzbekistan,
member of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis.