An international conference "Magnetic Phenomena and Multifunctional Magnetic Materials" is being held...

The opening ceremony of the international conference "Magnetic Phenomena and Multifunctional Magnetic Materials" organized by the Institute of Engineering Physics was held at Samarkand State University.
More than 130 foreign scientists from 17 countries of the world, such as the USA, Russia, Spain, Germany, Italy, Indonesia, India, Greece, the Netherlands, as well as more than 50 specialists from more than 30 organizations of the republic, took part in the prestigious conference.
The solemn ceremony was opened by the rector of Samarkand State University, scientist of the Republic of Uzbekistan Rustam Khalmuradov:
- Today, this is considered as one of the priority areas for the development of the field of physics in our country. In continuation of a number of systematic works aimed at bringing engineering science and education to a new qualitative level, the necessary conditions are being created for conducting international scientific research, a system to stimulate the work of our scientists conducting scientific research related to this area, science is being introduced in our country - evidence of increased attention to science and education. Therefore, the development of science and innovation, capable of providing the necessary conditions for the sustainable growth of socio-economic potential, improving the standard of living and welfare of the population, remains one of the most important tasks facing us. At the international scientific-practical conference on the topic “Magnetic phenomena and multifunctional magnetic materials”, organized with the aim of bringing engineering science and education to a new qualitative level and popularizing on the scale of our republic the rich experience accumulated in the leading countries of the world, representatives of Russia, Germany took part , Spain, France, Japan, South Korea, China, England, Italy and other countries. scientists from various prestigious universities of their countries participate. Also, the fact that more than 50 specialists and scientists from more than 30 organizations of our republic participate in their lectures, and the fact that such a prestigious event is held at the Institute of Engineering Physics of Samarkand State University, is not only a source of pride for us, but also a greater responsibility and imposes additional tasks.
Nikolai Perov, professor at Moscow State University:
- The field of magnetism is one of the most important and topical areas of physics. Participation in today's conference of foreign experts from 17 countries shows that the field of magnetism is one of the most important areas in the world. Looking at scientific research in this area from an international point of view, the development of existing relations of scientific cooperation between countries will certainly not be left without results. On the occasion of the conference, we also got acquainted with the Institute of Engineering Physics of Samarkand State University. Healthy buildings, modern laboratories and classrooms have attracted the attention of many foreign experts. I think that in such conditions, created for science, discoveries will be made that will develop the science of the future ...
Oblokul Kuvandikov, Professor of the Department of General Physics of Samarkand State University, one of the founders of the Samarkand School of Magnetism:
- Today's conference is an important event not only for Samarkand State University, but also for the science of the whole country. Physicists from different parts of the world gathered here. It is no coincidence that this conference is being held in Samarkand. Samarkand State University has the Samarkand School of Magnetism and the only scientific council that awards degrees in the field of magnetism. Almost all professionals working in this field throughout the country graduated from this school. Personally, during my work I managed to prepare 2 Doctors of Science and 18 Candidates of Science in this field.
Eshkuvvat Arzikulov, Professor of the Solid State Department of Samarkand State University:
- In the field of magnetism, which is one of the most developed and practical areas of physics, Samarkand State University has the only school of magnetism in Central Asia. Nowadays, magnetism has become such a field that every achievement and innovation is directly applied in practice. Mobile devices, smartphones, flash drives, which have become the main part of our lives, have all reached their current level thanks to discoveries in this area. Today's conference is attended by scientists from all over the world with lectures on important news in the field of magnetism. One of the main goals of the conference is to develop the field of magnetism and develop useful discoveries for the future of mankind through this field. The Institute of Engineering Physics of Samarkand State University has sufficient strength and scientific potential in this regard. In particular, the guests who attended the conference highly appreciated the new building of the Institute of Engineering Physics of Samarkand State University...
The conference, which is scheduled for five days, is dedicated to spintronics and magnetotransport phenomena, magnetophotonics (linear and nonlinear magneto-optics, magnetophotonic crystals), high-frequency properties and metamaterials, diluted magnetic semiconductors and oxides, magnetic nanostructures and magnetism of small-sized structures, soft magnetic substances (magnetic polymers, complex magnetic fluids and suspensions), soft and hard magnetic materials, magnetic memory alloys and magnetocaloric effect, magnetism and superconductivity, multiferroids, he continues his work in the field of biomedical magnetism, divided into branches such as the study of the physical properties of elements.
Information Service of Samarkand State University.
The photographs were taken by Shavkat Akramov.