Golden Reserve - meeting with the first graduates of the Presidential School

A meeting with 24 graduates of the Presidential School in Samarkand was organized at the Pushkin Information Library Center.
Rector of Samarkand State University, scientist of the Republic of Uzbekistan, member of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis Rustam Khalmuradov, head of the organizational and personnel group of the regional administration Bekzod Rakhmatullaev, editor-in-chief, editorial staff of the newspapers "Zarafshon" and "Samarkand Vestnik" Farmon Toshev spoke at the event, and also congratulated them with the successful completion of the academic year and admission to foreign universities.
It was noted that complex reforms are being carried out today for the comprehensive development of our country, and the issue of youth, which is the literal support and successor of these reforms, is considered one of the most priority areas of our policy.
In our region, the activities of the clubs "Samarkand Jewels of the Future", "Leaders of the Future" and "Samarkand Scientific Girls" have been established. They are aimed at identifying "young leaders" with intellectual potential and active citizenship, deep thinking, independent worldview and attracting them to public service.
- You studied at the Presidential School, established on the initiative of the head of our country, improved your knowledge and skills, - said Bekzod Rakhmatullayev. - I wish you to use the knowledge that you have acquired so far, and the knowledge that you will acquire in the future, to become a perfect and responsible person, a worthy child of our country.
During the event, it was recognized that all graduates entered the most prestigious universities in the world. It was noted that the knowledge gained abroad should be used for the benefit of our country.
“As a result of the knowledge gained at school, I was accepted to study at the Georgia Tech University in the USA in the direction of technology,” says Shohsanam Uktamova from the Ishtikhan region. - The main thing is that the Presidential School gave me a healthy outlook. I want to continue my education in a prestigious educational institution in the field of engineering biotechnology. I strive to modernize medical diagnostic equipment in medicine, especially in surgery, and create it based on nanotechnology with a new innovative approach. I am sure that as a result the patient will recover easily and quickly.
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Samarkand State University