Samarkand State University will establish cooperation with the US Webster University...

Julian Schuster, President of the US Webster University, visited Samarkand to observe the presidential elections in the Republic of Uzbekistan. The delegation led by a high-ranking official, who arrived as an international observer, met with Rustam Khalmuradov, rector of Samarkand State University, scientist of the Republic of Uzbekistan, member of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis.
At the meeting, issues of cooperation between the parties were discussed, special attention was paid to work on grandiose projects in the field of education and the creation of research centers.
During the dialogue, proposals were made for active cooperation in a number of areas, such as psychology, biology, ecology, physics, and mathematics.
Also, in order to exchange experience in the field of biology, the parties agreed to send qualified specialists for internships. In addition, issues of creating a research center for psychology together with Webster University at SamSU were discussed. The main task of this center is to conduct research on the psychological study of the reforms carried out in Uzbekistan.
In addition, scientists from SamSU and Webster University exchanged ideas on conducting scientific research on environmental problems and their elimination, as well as applying the accumulated experience in practice.
At the end of the talks, Julian Schuster acknowledged that the presidential elections in Uzbekistan were organized at a high level and were transparent.
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Samarkand State University