What do you know about the Archaeological Museum of Samarkand State University?

The Archaeological Museum of Samarkand State University was founded in 1969. A great contribution to its construction was made by university professor David Natanovich Lev.
The museum fund contains more than 60,000 archaeological finds of scientific and artistic value in the history of Uzbekistan, which were discovered as a result of research work and reflect the primitive culture of the Samarkand and Surkhandarya regions.
Most of them belong to 80-40 millennia BC, antiquity and the Middle Ages. Rich numismatic materials in the collections were obtained not only during archaeological excavations, but also found by students.
The museum also has a special place for the ruins of Afrasiab.
Each item found in different locations has a separate story. If we take a single bone needle from the Eneolithic period, then the needle is very high quality made of bone. Even the places where the thread passed were preserved. For information, the needle is more than 4 thousand years old.
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Samarkand State University.