Famous physicists, mathematicians and astronomers of the world gathered at Samarkand State University...

An international conference dedicated to the 620th anniversary of the birth of Ali Kushchi and the 80th anniversary of the creation of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan on the topic “Ali Kushchi - the great ambassador of the scientific school of Mirzo Ulugbek” started at Samarkand State University. More than 30 scientists from the USA, China, Russia, India, South Korea, Azerbaijan, and Turkey took part in the two-day conference, held at the initiative of the administration of the Samarkand region.
The international conference was organized in collaboration with the regional khokimiyat, Samarkand State University, and the Institute of Mathematics and Astronomy of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan.
It is not for nothing that on September 21 this conference is held at Samarkand State University. On this historical date in 1420, Ali Kushchi gave his first lecture to the students of Mirzo Ulugbek madrasah...
Rustam Khalmuradov, Rector of Samarkand State University, scientist of the Republic of Uzbekistan, member of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis, opened the prestigious conference with an opening speech:
- It is a historical fact that the scientific works of our great ancestors made a great contribution to the development of science. Much work is being done to preserve their scientific heritage and pass it on to future generations. In particular, we proudly recognize the name of the great Uzbek scientist, mathematician and astronomer Alauddin Ali ibn Muhammad al-Kushchi. 2023 marks the 620th anniversary of the birth of Ali Kushchi. At the same time, this year marks the 80th anniversary of the creation of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, which makes a great contribution to the development of science in our country... Of course, it was not by chance that Samarkand was chosen to participate in this conference. This ancient city with almost three thousand years of history and culture was an important crossroads of the Great Silk Road for centuries... The purpose of the conference is an in-depth study of the scientific heritage of the School of Mirzo Ulugbek and Ali Kushchi, the current state and prospects for the development of various areas of astronomy, the wide involvement of youth in the field of science research, development of appropriate recommendations to improve the efficiency of integration of science, education and production, strengthening international scientific cooperation...
After this, the khokim of the Samarkand region, Senator Erkinjon Turdimov, spoke and congratulated all the professors and teachers of the university on the Day of Samarkand State University. The contribution and place of Ali Kushchi in the development of science, his works and life path were discussed:
- Today we turn to the legacy of such a unique and great scientist as Ali Kushchi. It is symbolic that the conference dedicated to the work of the mathematician and astronomer is being held in Samarkand. Because Ali Kushchi was born in Samarkand in the 15th century, grew up and wrote his scientific works in Arabic and Persian. Therefore, in his works, Ali Kushchi highly appreciated the power and potential of the scientific and literary environment of Samarkand. He wrote several treatises about this...
The plenary session of the international conference was attended by the Hero of Uzbekistan, director of the Institute of Mathematics named after V.I. Romanovsky ANRUz, academician Shavkat Ayupov, deputy director of the Institute of Nanotechnology at the University of Texas at Dallas, USA, head of the laboratory of hybrid nanophotonics and optoelectronics at ITMO University, scientist of the Republic of Uzbekistan Anvar Zahidov, director of the Institute of Astronomy, academician Shukhrat Egamberdiev, rector of Baku State University, professor Elchin Babayev , Professor Shi Yunli of the University of China, Professor Yong Hee Lee of South Korea's Yonsei University.
The conference continues its activities divided into such sectors as “Mathematical analysis”, “Algebra and geometry”, “Differential equations and mathematical physics”, “Probability theory and mathematical statistics”, “Computational mathematics and mathematical modeling”, “Scientific heritage of the school of Mirzo Ulugbek and Ali Kushchi and their role in the development of astronomical science"…
“Today I was lucky enough to celebrate the day of Samarkand State University,” says Anvar Zahidov. - On the occasion of the historical day, SamSU gathered the most famous physicists, mathematicians and astronomers in the world. The conference discussed the results of scientific research in the fields of mathematics, physics and astronomy and priority aspects of combining science and education. Today Rustam Khalmuradov awarded me the title of “Honorary Professor” of Samarkand State University. It's an honor for me. This is my third visit to Samarkand State University this year. As part of this conference, the Samarkand Quantum Center was opened at SamSU - the only one in Central Asia.
Information service of Samarkand State University,
Photos were taken by Shavkat AKRAMOV.