A Hungarian scientist conducts classes for students of Samarkand State University...

Professor Szabo Gergely from the University of Debrecen, Hungary, conducts classes on the science of modern trends in agriculture for 2nd-level students at the Institute of Agrobiotechnology and Food Security of Samarkand State University.
Szabo Gergely, a Hungarian scientist, will teach this subject to students of the institute for 1 month. GAT technologies are one of the widely used methods in the field of smart agriculture.
For information, the University of Debrecen in Hungary is in the top 700 in the world rankings and is one of the most prestigious universities in Europe, ranking 218th. The university has approximately 30,000 students. There are 87 bachelor's and 100 master's degrees. More than 70 educational courses are conducted entirely in English.
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Samarkand State University.