Plans are being developed for the reconstruction of the botanical garden of Samarkand State University...

A working group consisting of scientists from Samarkand State University and Russian professors Yuri Naumtsev and Evgeniy Krupochkin put forward their proposals and recommendations for the implementation of this project. At the meeting, issues of plant selection in the botanical garden of SamSU, the creation of research centers, the formation of scientific laboratories, and the creation of a topographic map of the garden were discussed.
- The Botanical Garden of Samarkand State University was created in the seventies of the last century, its area is 36 hectares. There are more than 6,000 fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs and flowering plants in the garden,” says head of the Department of Botany at SamSU, associate professor Khislat Khaidarov. - They are used in scientific work in the field of natural and exact sciences. In order to further update and develop our activities, we are studying the experience of foreign botanical gardens. For this, we attracted foreign experts. Currently, together with these scientists, we are developing a project to restore the Botanical Garden of Samara State University. This place is included in our plan to organize not only a garden, but also scientific laboratories.
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Samarkand State University.