Modern greenhouses

An international seminar “Construction and operation of greenhouses” was held at Samarkand State University...
The event was attended by the head of the international cooperation department of SamSU Mukhtor Nasyrov, professor Askar Khasanov, the general director of the Iranian company “Saelan Sanat” Mojtaba Abbasiy and the manager of the organization Ular Mahdiy, as well as representatives of the regional khokimiyat and industry experts.
The seminar discussed the construction and operation of energy-efficient greenhouses and devices, modern greenhouse coverings, the hydroponic method and its technical and technological foundations.
- At the international seminar we exchanged ideas on the topics of increasing energy efficiency and productivity of greenhouses. The problems of producing high-quality products for agriculture were discussed, says Askar Khasanov, professor of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of SamSU. - Effective use of greenhouses depends on many factors. The main ones are scientifically based factors... Providing greenhouses with alternative energy is of great importance. As part of the seminar, an agreement was reached on the creation of a special innovation center at Samarkand State University. The main objective of the center is to solve problems related to the field based on science. That is, this will include chemical plant protection, construction of greenhouses according to international standards and control over energy efficiency.
- The conference held at Samarkand State University was interesting for everyone. We discussed with university scientists ways to solve issues and problems arising in greenhouses,” says Mojtaba Abbasiy. - The Saelan Sanat company is one of the world leaders in the construction of greenhouses. We perceive greenhouses based on artificial intelligence. We presented our proposals at today's seminar. I think that in collaboration with Samarkand scientists we will be able to organize greenhouses that can give better results. We are ready to cooperate in this direction...
Information service of Samarkand State University.
Photos were taken by Shavkat AKRAMOV.