International conference: “Territorial features, conditions and prospects for the development of tourism in the digital economy”...

The International Conference “Territorial Features, Conditions and Prospects for the Development of Tourism in the Digital Economy” was held at the Institute of Human Resources Management and Mahalla Development of Samarkand State University.
The conference was attended by Yeonnam University (South Korea), Hosei University (Japan), Tomsk State University (Russia), Peter the Great Polytechnic University (Russia), khokimiyat of the Samarkand region, Samarkand territorial branch of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent State Economic University and the International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage "Silk Road".
The conference discussed topics presented by professors and teachers from about 10 public universities, such as China, South Korea, Japan, Poland, Germany, India, Russia and Tajikistan, as well as specialists in the field of tourism.
The conference examined the characteristics, factors and conditions for the development of regional tourism, the main directions of state policy in the field of tourism, prospects for the development of innovative activities in the field of tourism and recreation, and ways to increase the level of tourism activity. efficiency of the hotel business, development of the tourism industry in the context of the transition to a digital economy. It was decided to discuss such issues as territorial features and promising directions for providing employment to the population and the main directions for the development of the service.
Based on the conclusions and proposals made on the topics discussed at the conference, there will be opportunities for the development of the industry in the future, including ensuring employment in the tourism sector, digitalization of the industry, in particular, the use of artificial intelligence and electronic portals to increase its efficiency...
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Samarkand State University.