A master class on modern methods of analysis was held for students of Samarkand State University

SamSU students living at Tottori University in Japan were taught to analyze soil and plant samples using an advanced emission spectrometer (ICPE). Students were introduced to chemical analysis techniques to determine the amount of carbon and nitrogen in soil.
This laboratory at the University of Tottori's Arid Regions Research Center is equipped with the latest state-of-the-art equipment. It is also capable of highly accurate analyzes of soil and plant samples. Visiting researchers from many countries around the world conduct various analyzes in this laboratory.
The knowledge and skills acquired by our students in modern analytical methods will be applied in the Research Laboratory for the Transfer of Agrobiotechnologies of the Institute of Agrobiotechnologies and Food Security. This laboratory is also equipped with state-of-the-art emission spectrometry equipment (ICPE), and students will have the opportunity to directly use the knowledge acquired in Japan in the institute's laboratory.
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