The research of Alisher Aslanov, doctoral student at Samarkand State University, is being implemented into production...

Alisher Aslanov, doctoral student at the Department of Organic Synthesis and Bioorganic Chemistry of Samarkand State University, is conducting scientific research on the topic “Technology for producing complex (N-P-S) fertilizers from central red sand phosphorites.”
About 10 of his articles have been published in journals and conference proceedings in countries such as Egypt, Australia, India and Russia. One article was also published in a journal included in the Scopus database. Clermont-Auvergne, France, received a STEM qualification at the CAVILAM language center.
In his research, Alisher Aslanov developed the chemical basis for the transition of phosphorus into a plant-assimilated form and sulfur into a hydrophilic (wettable) form as a result of activation of phosphorites in the presence of sulfur. He found that the resulting phosphorus-sulfur fertilizers have the ability to fight pathogenic insects simultaneously with feeding plants. Based on the results obtained, large-scale experimental tests were carried out and put into production at the production enterprise of Sam FOS OJSC.
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Samarkand State University.