The light that illuminates the life path of every person is a teacher...

To my mentor Dilafruz Jabborova
When we say “teacher,” we mean people who have dedicated their lives to science and have extensive life experience. There are always those who are interested in teaching and those who claim to be scientists. The teacher whom I would like to congratulate on his birthday today is Dilafruz Jabborova, Associate Professor of the Department of Literature and Literary Theory of the Independence Period at Samarkand State University. Master, there is a person who hears your name and knows it, and his heart warms and a smile appears on his face. You trusted us, your students, even when our self-confidence faded, and inspired us to achieve high goals. You have become a real person who appreciates talent, does not spare your life and time to improve your students, and is a true friend. We live with the intention of justifying the high trust expressed in any area! On behalf of all your students, I sincerely wish you a happy birthday, teacher!
Shakhrizod Shodiev,
graduate of the Faculty of Philology of
Samarkand State University.